Aura Popa, Marketing Manager at 80six

Creatively, cinematographers and the VFX teams especially embrace our flexible offering as it gives them the chance to work alongside our tech team to decide the specs of the LED volume, depending on the size of the shot, the nature of the physical props required and the camera movement. We’ve installed a multitude of LED volumes for best in-camera VFX results that match the interactive light from the LED panels to the lighting in the location, capturing the reflections and shadows inherent to it.”

Virtual Production Studios by 80six, Slough, United Kingdom

Virtual Production Studios by 80six provide a large format preconfigured LED Volume adaptable to each production’s needs, plus some of the most advanced production technology in the UK.

Read more about our Virtual Production Stage here.


80six showcases a Virtual Production Stage at the Media Production & Technology Show (MPTS) from 11th-12th May


80six goes on tour with Production Futures